References and Resources
- Catholic Charities
- Catholic Social Teaching
- Colleges, Universities and Higher Education
- Comparative Research
- Community Organizing
- Demographic Research
- Elementary Schools and High Schools
- Ethnic and Migrant Ministries
- Health Care
- Hispanic Ministry
- Historical
- Immigrant Integration: Theory, Indices, Framework
- Integration: A Catholic Vision
- Immigration Advocacy and Reform
- Labor and Business
- Parishes
- Pastoral Care and Formation
- Public Opinion: Religion, Culture, and Values
- Refugee Resettlement
- Spiritual/Theological Perspectives
- Statistics on Catholic Institutions
- Women Religious
[1] This reference and resource list is not intended to serve as a comprehensive literature review, particularly not on topics with an exhaustive literature like immigrant integration and Catholic social teaching. Rather, it has been developed as a starting point for persons interested in these issues from a faith perspective.
Catholic Charities
Brown, Dorothy, M. and Elizabeth McKeown. 1997. The Poor Belong to Us: Catholic Charities and American Welfare. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Bruce, Tricia C. 2006. “Contested Accommodation on the Meso Level: Discursive Adaptation Within Catholic Charities’ Immigration and Refugee Services.” American Behavioral Scientist 49 (11): 1489-1508.
Catholic Charities USA. 2014. Help and Hope Report 2014: A Summary of the 2013 Annual Survey. Alexandria, VA: Catholic Charities USA.
Gautier, Mary L. and Carolyne Saunders. 2013. Catholic Charities USA 2012 Annual Survey Final Report. Washington DC: Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University.
Catholic Social Teaching
Christiansen, Drew. 1996. “Movement, Asylum, Borders: Christian Perspectives.” International Migration Review 30(1): 7-17.
Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano. 2007. Concluding Document of the Fifth General Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Bishops’ Conferences (“The Aparecida Document”).
Himes, Rev. Kenneth, OFM. 1996. “The Rights of People Regarding Migration: A Perspective from Catholic Social Teaching.” In Who Are My Sisters and Brothers: Reflections on Understanding and Welcoming Immigrants and Refugees, edited by Suzanne Hall. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference.
Kerwin, Donald. 2009. “Toward a Catholic Vision of Nationality.” Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 23(a): 197-207.
______. 2012. “Catholic Church and Immigration.” In Debates on U.S. Immigration, edited by Judith Gans, Elaine M. Replogle and Daniel J. Tichenor. Washington, DC: SAGE.
Kerwin, Donald and Jill M. Gerschutz, eds. 2009. And You Welcomed Me: Migration and Catholic Social Teaching. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. 2005. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.
Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People. 2004. Erga migrantes caritas Christi (The love of Christ towards migrants).
Pope Benedict XVI. 2005. Deus Caritas Est (God is Love).
______. 2009. Caritas in Veritate (On Integral Human Development in Charity and Truth).
———. 2011. Message of His Holiness Benedict XVI for the 97th World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Pope Francis. 2013a. Lumen Fidei (The Light of Faith).
______. 2013b. Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel).
———. 2014. Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees: Towards a Better World.
______. 2015. Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 101st World Day of Migrants and Refugees: Church without Frontiers, Mother to All.
Pope John Paul II. 1975. Evangelii Nuntiandi (On Evangelization in the Modern World).
———. 1995. Ut Unum Sint (On Commitment to Ecumenism).
———. 1999. Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Ecclesia in America (The Church in America).
______. 2001. Message of His Holiness Pope John Paul II for the Celebration of the World Day of Peace.
Pope Leo XIII. 1891. Rerum Novarum (On Capital and Labor). In The Papal Encyclicals 1878-1903, edited by Claudia Carlen, IHM. Raleigh, NC: McGrath Publishing Company.
Pope Paul VI. 1964. Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium (Light of the World).
———. 1965. Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes (Hope and Joy).
———. 1967. Populorum Progressio (On the Development of Peoples).
Pope Pius XI. 1931. Quadragesimo Anno (On Reconstruction of the Social Order). In The Papal Encyclicals 1903-1939, edited by Claudia Carlen, IHM. Raleigh, NC: McGrath Publishing Company.
Scribner, Todd and J. Kevin Appleby, eds. 2013. On “Strangers No Longer”: Perspectives on the Historic US-Mexican Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Migration. New York, NY and Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.
United States Catholic Conference. 2000. Welcoming the Stranger among Us: Unity in Diversity. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. 2003. Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope. Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Colleges, Universities and Higher Education
Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities. 2014. “Immigration Reform and Catholic Higher Education.”
Ellis, John T. 1955. “American Catholics and the Intellectual Life.” Thought 30: 351-88.
Gleason, Philip. 1964. “Immigration and American Catholic Intellectual Life.” The Review of Politics 26(2): 147-73.
Greeley, Andrew M. 1962. “Anti-Intellectualism in Catholic Colleges.” American Catholic Sociological Review 23: 350-68.
Hassenger, Robert. 1969. “Conflict in Catholic Colleges.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 382: 95-108.
Hunt, Thomas C., Joseph A. Ellis, Ronald J. Nuzzi and John O. Geiger, eds. 2003. Handbook of Research on Catholic Higher Education. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Schlichting, Kurt, Terry-Ann Jones, Suzanna Klaf, Philip Nyden, Maria Guzman, Laura Nichols, Ana Siscar, Mary Bird and Cynthia Mertens. 2013. Immigrant Student National Position Paper Report on Findings: Executive Summary. Fairfield, CT: Fairfield University.
Comparative Research
Foley, Michael W., and Dean R. Hoge. 2007. Religion and the New Immigrants: How Faith Communities Form our Newest Citizens. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Hagan, Jacqueline. 2006. “Making theological sense of the migration journey from Latin America: Catholic, Protestant, and interfaith perspectives.” The American Behavioral Scientist 49(11): 1554-73.
Menjívar, Cecilia. 1999. “Religious Institutions and Transnationalism: A Case Study of Catholic and Evangelical Salvadoran Immigrants.” International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 12(4): 589-612.
———. 2003. “Religion and Immigration in Comparative Perspective: Catholic and Evangelical Salvadorans in San Francisco, Washington, DC, and Phoenix.” Sociology of Religion 64(1): 21-45.
———. 2006. “Introduction: Public Religion and Immigration across National Contexts.” American Behavioral Scientist 49(11): 1447-54.
Community Organizing
Archdiocese of Chicago, Office for Immigrant Affairs and Immigration Education. 2014. Manual de Pastoral Migratoria: Escuchar, Aprender, Proclamar. Chicago: Archdiocese of Chicago.
Matovina, Timothy. 2001. “Latino Catholics in American Public Life.” In Can Charitable Choice Work?: Covering Religion’s Impact on Urban Affairs and Social Services, edited by Andrew Walsh. Hartford, CT: Pew Program on Religion and the News Media and the Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life.
Wood, Richard L., Brad Fulton, and Kathryn Partridge. 2012. Building Bridges, Building Power: Developments in Institution-Based Community Organizing. Longmont, Colorado: InterfaithFunders.
Demographic Research
Gray, Mark M., Melissa A. Cidade, Mary L. Gautier, and Thomas Gaunt, S. J. 2014. “Cultural Diversity in the Catholic Church in the United States.” Washington, DC: Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University.
Pew Research Center. 2012. “Faith on the Move: The Religious Affiliation of International Migrants.” Washington, DC: Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
Elementary Schools and High Schools
Brinig, Margaret F. and Nicole Stelle Garnett. 2014. Lost Classroom, Lost Community: Catholic Schools’ Importance in Urban America. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Cattaro, Gerald M. 2002. “Immigration and Pluralism in Urban Catholic Schools.” Education and Urban Society 34(2): 199-211.
Catholic Education Foundation of Los Angeles. 2014. Annual Report 2014. Los Angeles, CA: Catholic Education Foundation.
Dolan, His Eminence Timothy. 2014. “Learning Curve: How one archdiocese adapted its Catholic schools for the 21st century.” America, October 20, 25.
Higareda, Ignacio, Shane P. Martin, Jose M. Chavez and Karen Holyk-Casey. 2011. Los Angeles Catholic Schools: Impact and Opportunity for Economically Disadvantaged Students. Los Angeles: Loyola Marymount University School of Education.
Hoffer, Thomas, Andrew M. Greeley, and James S. Coleman. 1985. “Achievement Growth in Public and Catholic Schools.” Sociology of Education 58(2): 74-97.
Huchting, Karen K., Shane P. Martin, Jose M. Chavez, Karen Holyk-Casey, and Delmy Ruiz. 2014. Los Angeles Catholic Schools: Academic Excellence and Character Formation for Students Living in Poverty. Los Angeles: Loyola Marymount University School of Education.
Louie, Vivian, and Jennifer Holdaway. 2009. “Catholic Schools and Immigrant Students: A New Generation.” Teachers College Record 111(3): 783-816.
McDonald, Dale, and Margaret M. Schultz. 2013. United States Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools 2012-2013: The Annual Statistical Report on Schools, Enrollment and Staffing. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Educational Association.
Morrison, James L., and Benjamin J. Hodgkins. 1971. “The Effectiveness of Catholic Education: A Comparative Analysis.” Sociology of Education 44(1): 119-31.
Smarick, Andy. 2011. “Can Catholic Schools Be Saved?” National Affairs 1(7): 113-30.
Third Plenary Council of Baltimore. 1884. “Pastoral Letter Issued by the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore.” In Pastoral Letters of the United States Catholic Bishop, Volume I 1792-1940, edited by Hugh J. Nolan. Washington, DC: National Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic Conference.
University of Notre Dame Task Force on the Participation of Latino Children and Families in Catholic Schools. 2009. To Nurture the Soul of a Nation. Notre Dame, IN: Alliance for Catholic Education Press.
Ethnic and Migrant Ministries
Deck, Allan F. 2013. “Pastoral Perspectives on Migration: Immigrants as New Evangelizers.” In On “Strangers No Longer”: Perspectives on the Historic US-Mexican Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Migration, edited by Todd Scribner and J. Kevin Appleby. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.
Ospino, Hosffman. 2014. Hispanic Ministry in Catholic Parishes: A Summary Report of Findings from the National Study of Catholic Parishes with Hispanic Ministry. Boston College School of Theology and Ministry in collaboration with the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. 2012. “Encuentro and Mission: A Renewed Framework for Hispanic Ministry (2002).” In Hispanic Ministry: Past, Present, Future: A New Beginning. Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. http://www.
———. 2008. African and Caribbean Catholics in the United States. Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
———. 2012. Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers. Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
United States Catholic Conference. 2000. Welcoming the Stranger Among Us: Unity in Diversity. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference.
Health Care
Catholic Health Association. 2014. Health Progress- Special Section on Welcoming the Immigrant. March-April 95(2).
———. 2015. “Catholic Health Care in the United States.” St. Louis, MO and Washington, DC: Catholic Health Association.
Farren, Suzy. 1996. A Call to Care: The Women Who Built Catholic Healthcare in America. St. Louis, MO and Washington, DC: Catholic Health Association.
Kauffman, Christopher J. 1995. Ministry and Meaning: A Religious History of Catholic Health Care in the United States. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company.
White, Kenneth R. 2000. “Hospitals Sponsored by the Roman Catholic Church: Separate, Equal, and Distinct?” The Milbank Quarterly 78 (2): 213- 39.
Hispanic Ministry
Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. 1990. “Catholic Responses to Hispanic Newcomers.” Sociological Focus 23(3): 155-66.
Hoover, Brett. 2014. The Shared Parish: Latinos, Anglos and the Future of US Catholicism. New York: New York University (NYU) Press.
Matovina, Timothy. 2012. Latino Catholicism: Transformation in America’s Largest Church. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
National Conference of Catholic Bishops. 1983. The Hispanic Presence: Challenge and Commitment. Washington, DC: National Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Ospino, Hosffman. 2014. Hispanic Ministry in Catholic Parishes: A Summary Report of Findings from the “National Study of Catholic Parishes with Hispanic Ministry.” Boston, MA: Boston College School of Theology and Ministry in collaboration with the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate.
Ospino, Hosffman, ed. 2013. Hispanic Ministry in the 21st Century: Present and Future. Miami, FL: Convivium Press.
United States Catholic Conference. 1987. National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference.
______. 2000. Welcoming the Stranger among Us: Unity in Diversity. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. 2012. “Encuentro and Mission: A Renewed Framework for Hispanic Ministry (2002).” In Hispanic Ministry: Past, Present, Future: A New Beginning. Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. http://www.
Appleby, J. Kevin. 2011. “The Role of the Catholic Church in Immigrant Integration.” The Review of Faith & International Affairs 9(1): 67-70.
Brown, Dorothy M., and Elizabeth McKeown. 1997. The Poor Belong to Us: Catholic Charities and American Welfare. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Dolan, Jay P. 1992. The American Catholic Experience: A History from Colonial Times to the Present. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Finke, Roger and Rodney Stark. 1954. The Churching of America, 1776-2005. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Fisher, James T. 2008. Communion of Immigrants: A History of Catholics in America. New York: Oxford University Press.
Kerwin, Donald, with Breana George. 2014. US Catholic Institutions and Immigrant Integration: Will the Church Rise to the Challenge? Rome: Lateran University Press.
McGreevy, John T. 2003. Catholicism and American Freedom. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
Morris, Charles R. 1997. American Catholic: The Saints and Sinners Who Build America’s Most Powerful Church. New York: Vintage Books.
National Catholic War Council, Administrative Committee. 1919. “Bishops’ Program for Social Reconstruction.”
Oates, Mary J. 1995. The Catholic Philanthropic Tradition in America. Bloomington and Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University Press.
Scribner, Todd. 2010. “Negotiating Priorities: The National Catholic Welfare Conference and United States Migration Policy in a Post-World War II World, 1948-1952.” American Catholic Studies 121(4): 1-25.
———. 2015. “‘Not Because They Are Catholic, But Because We Are Catholic’: The Catholic Bishops Engage the Migration Issue in Twentieth Century America.” The Catholic Historical Review 101(1).
Third Plenary Council of Baltimore. 1884. “Pastoral Letter Issued by the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore.” In Pastoral Letters of the United States Catholic Bishop, Volume I 1792-1940, edited by Hugh J. Nolan. Washington, DC: National Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic Conference.
Immigrant Integration: Theories, Indices, Framework
Alba, Richard, and Nancy Foner. 2014. “Comparing Immigrant Integration in North America and Western Europe: How Much Do the Grand Narratives Tell Us?” International Migration Review 48: S263-91.
Alba, Richard, Philip Kasinitz, and Mary C. Walters. 2011. “The Kids Are (Mostly) Alright: Second Generation Assimilation.” Social Forces 89(3): 763-74.
Alba Richard, and Robert Orsi. 2009. “Passages in Piety: Generational Transitions and the Social and Religious Incorporation of Italian Americans.” In Immigration and Religion in America: Comparative and Historical Perspectives, edited by Richard Alba, Albert J. Raboteau and Josh DeWind. New York: New York University Press.
Alba, Richard and Victor Nee. 2003. Remaking the American Mainstream: Assimilation and Contemporary Immigration. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Brown, Susan K. and Frank D. Bean. 2006. Assimilation Models, Old and New: Explaining a Long-Term Process. Washington DC: Migration Policy Institute.
Haller, William, Alejandro Portes, and Scott M. Lynch. 2011. “Dreams Fulfilled, Dreams Shattered: Determinants of Segmented Assimilation in the Second Generation.” Social Forces 89(3): 733-62.
Hirschman, Charles. 2004. “The Role of Religion in the Origins and Adaptation of Immigrant Groups in the United States.” International Migration Review 38(3): 1206-33.
Huddleston, Thomas and Jan Niessen, with Eadaoin Ni Chaoimh and Emilie White. 2011. Migrant Integration Policy Index. Brussels: British Council and Migration Policy Group.
Jiménez, Tomás R. 2011. Immigrants in the United States: How Well Are They Integrating into Society? Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute.
Meyers, Dowell and John Pitkin. 2011. How America’s Immigrants Will Integrate by 2030. Washington, DC: Center for American Progress.
Pastor, Manuel and Rhonda Ortiz. 2009. Immigrant Integration in Los Angeles: Strategic Directions for Funders. Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Program for Environmental and Regional Equity and Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration.
Pastor, Manuel, Rhonda Ortiz, Vanessa Carter, Justin Scoggins, and Anthony Perez. 2012. California Immigrant Integration Scorecard. Los Angeles, CA: University of Southern California, Center for Study of Immigrant Integration.
Portes, Alejandro, and Min Zhou. 1993. “The New Second Generation: Segmented Assimilation and Its Variants.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences 530(1): 74-96.
Portes, Alejandro and Ruben G. Rumbaut. 1996. Immigrant America: A Portrait. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Integration: A Catholic Vision
DiMarzio, Bishop Nicholas. 2014. “Integration of New Immigrants into US Catholic Church.” Origins 43(40): 650-53.
Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. 1987. One Church Many Cultures: The Challenge of Diversity. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward.
Gerschutz, Jill M., with Lois A. Lorentzen. 2009. “Integration Yesterday and Today: New Challenges for the United States and the Church.” In And You Welcomed Me: Migration and Catholic Social Teaching, edited by Donald Kerwin and Jill Gerschutz. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Kerwin, Donald. 2015. “Pope Francis and a Catholic Vision of Immigrant Integration.” Presentation at the Justice for Immigrants National Convening, Chicago, IL, November 11-13, 2015.
Kerwin, Donald, with Breana George. 2014. US Catholic Institutions and Immigrant Integration: Will the Church Rise to the Challenge? Rome: Lateran University Press.
Matovina, Timothy. 2012. Latino Catholicism: Transformation in America’s Largest Church. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
National Conference of Catholic Bishops. 1986. Together a New People: Pastoral Statement on Migrants and Refugees. Washington, DC: National Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Immigration Advocacy and Reform
Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities. 2014. “Immigration Reform and Catholic Higher Education.”
Appleby, J. Kevin. 2013. “Moving Forward: Next Steps toward Immigration Reform.” In On “Strangers No Longer”: Perspectives on the Historic US-Mexican Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Migration, edited by Todd Scribner and J. Kevin Appleby. New York, NY and Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.
Border Network for Human Rights. 2013. “Rethinking the U.S.-Mexico Border Region from a Faith Perspective.” In The New Ellis Island: Visions from the Border for the Future of America. El Paso, TX: Border Network for Human Rights.
Kerwin, Donald. 2006. “Immigration Reform and the Catholic Church.” Migration Information Source.
Labor and Business
Baker, Kimball. 2010. Go to the Worker. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Marquette Press.
Higgins, Monsignor George G., with William Bole. 1993. Organized Labor and the Church. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.
Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. 2012. Vocation of the Business Leader: A Reflection.
Pope Leo XIII. 1891. Rerum Novarum (On Capital and Labor). In The Papal Encyclicals 1878-1903, edited by Claudia Carlen, IHM. Raleigh, NC: McGrath Publishing Company.
Pope Pius XI. 1931. Quadragesimo Anno (On Reconstruction of the Social Order). In The Papal Encyclicals 1903-1939, edited by Claudia Carlen, IHM. Raleigh, NC: McGrath Publishing Company.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. 2006. “A Labor Day Reflection on Immigration and Work.” Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Archdiocese of Chicago Office for Immigrant Affairs and Immigration Education. 2014. Manual de Pastoral Migratoria: Escuchar, Aprender, Proclamar. Chicago: Archdiocese of Chicago.
Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. 1990. “Catholic Responses to Hispanic Newcomers.” Sociological Focus 23(3): 155-66.
Gray, Mark M., Mary L. Gautier and Melissa A. Cidade. (2011). The Changing Face of US Catholic Parishes. Washington, DC: National Association for Lay Ministry. http://www.
———. 2013. Views from the Pews: Parishioner Evaluations of Parish Life in the United States. Washington, DC: National Association for Lay Ministry.
Hoover, Brett. 2014. The Shared Parish: Latinos, Anglos and the Future of US Catholicism. New York: New York University Press.
Johnson-Mondragón, Ken. 2008. Ministry in Multicultural and National/Ethnic Parishes: Evaluating the Findings of the Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership Project. Stockton, CA: Instituto Fe y Vida.
Mooney, Margarita. 2007. “The Catholic Church’s Institutional Responses to Immigration: From Supranational to Local Engagement.” In Religion and Social Justice for Immigrants, edited by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Odem, Mary E. 2004. “Our Lady of Guadalupe in the New South: Latino Immigrants and the Politics of Integration in the Catholic Church.” Journal on American Ethnic History 24(1): 26-57.
Tomasi, Silvano M. 1975. Piety and Power: The Role of Italian Parishes in the New York Metropolitan Area, 1880-1930. New York: Center for Migration Studies.
Pastoral Care and Formation
National Conference of Catholic Bishops. 1986. Together a New People: Pastoral Statement on Migrants and Refugees. Washington, DC: National Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People. 2004. Erga migrantes caritas Christi (The love of Christ towards migrants).
Sacred Congregation for Bishops. 1969. Instruction on the Pastoral Care of People Who Migrate. Vatican City: Sacred Congregation for Bishops.
Scribner, Todd and J. Kevin Appleby, eds. 2013. On “Strangers No Longer” : Perspectives on the Historic US-Mexican Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Migration. New York, NY and Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.
United States Catholic Conference. 2000. Welcoming the Stranger among Us: Unity in Diversity. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church. 2012. Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers. Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. 2003. Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope. Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Public Opinion: Religion, Culture, and Values
Jones, Robert P., Daniel Cox, Juhem Navarro-Rivera, E.J. Dionne, and William A. Galston. 2013. Citizenship, Values, & Cultural Concerns: What Americans Want from Immigration Reform: Findings from the 2013 Religion, Values and Immigration Reform Survey. Public Religion Research Institute and Brookings Institution.
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life and the Pew Hispanic Center. 2007. Changing Faiths: Latino(a)s and the Transformation of American Religion. Washington, DC: Pew Research Center.
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. 2008. US Religious Landscape Survey: Religious Affiliation: Diverse and Dynamic. Washington, DC: Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
Pew Research Center. 2014. The Shifting Religious Identity of Latinos in the United States: Nearly One-in-Four Latinos Are Former Catholics. Washington, DC: Pew Research Center.
Putnam, Robert D., and David E. Campbell. 2010. American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Refugee Resettlement
Brown, Gerald, Peggy Gilber and Jan Losby. 2007. Report of the Integration Working Group Submitted to Office of Refugee Resettlement, US Department of Health and Human Services. Washington, DC: Institute for Social and Economic Development.
Brown, Anastasia and Todd Scribner. 2013. “Unfulfilled Promises, Future Possibilities: The Refugee Resettlement System in the United States.” Journal on Migration and Human Security 2(2): 101-20.
Dwyer, Tatiana. (2010). Refugee Integration in the United States: Challenges and Opportunities. New York: Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program.
Eby, Jessica, Erika Iverson, Jenifer Smyers and Erol Kekic. 2011. “The Faith Community’s Role in Refugee Resettlement in the United States.” Journal of Refugee Studies 24(3): 586-605.
Marks, Jessica A. 2014. “Rural Refugee Resettlement: Secondary Migration and Community Integration in Fort Morgan, Colorado.” New Issues in Refugee Research, Research Paper No. 269. Geneva: UNHCR Policy Development and Evaluation Service.
Nawyn, Stephanie J. 2006. “Faith, Ethnicity, and Culture in Refugee Resettlement.” American Behavioral Scientist 49(11): 1509-27.
———. 2006. Making a Place to Call Home: Refugee Resettlement Organizations, Religion, and the State. PhD diss., University of Southern California.
Spiritual/Theological Perspectives
Campese, C.S., Gioacchino, and Pietro Ciallella, C.S. 2003. Migration, Religious Experience, and Globalization. New York: Center for Migration Studies.
Groody, Daniel G. 2002. Border of Death, Valley of Life: An Immigrant Journey of Heart and Spirit. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Press.
Groody, Daniel G., and Gioacchino Campese, eds. 2008. A Promised Land, a Perilous Journey. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.
Hagan, Jacqueline. 2006. “Making theological sense of the migration journey from Latin America: Catholic, Protestant, and interfaith perspectives.” The American Behavioral Scientist 49(11): 1554-73.
________. 2008. Migration Miracle: Faith, Hope, and Meaning on the Undocumented Journey. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Hagan, Jacqueline and Helen Rose Ebaugh. 2003. “Calling Upon the Sacred: Migrants’ Use of Religion in the Migration Process.” International Migration Review 37(4): 1145-1162.
Hoover, Brett. 2014. The Shared Parish: Latinos, Anglos and the Future of US Catholicism. New York: NYU Press.
Kerwin, Donald and Jill M. Gerschutz, eds. 2009. And You Welcomed Me: Migration and Catholic Social Teaching. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Statistics on Catholic Institutions
Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. 2013. “Frequently Requested Church Statistics.” Washington, DC: Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University.
Catholic Charities USA. 2014. Help and Hope Report 2014: A Summary of the 2013 Annual Survey. Alexandria, VA: Catholic Charities USA.
Women Religious
Butler, Anne M. 2012. Across God’s Frontiers: Catholic Sisters in the American West, 1850-1920. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Farren, Suzy. 1996. A Call to Care: The Women Who Built Catholic Healthcare in America. St. Louis, MO and Washington, DC: Catholic Health Association.
Johnson, Mary, Patricia Wittberg and Mary Gautier. 2014. New Generations of Catholic Sisters: The Challenge of Diversity. New York: Oxford University Press.