Nicolas de Carlo Papers (CMS 010)
July 14, 2016

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Spanning the period of 1901-1963, this collection sheds light on the life at the Holy Rosary Church and the activities of its founder and pastor, Reverend Nicholas de Carlo. Born on September 11, 1879 in Avigliano (Naples), Italy, Reverend Nicolas de Carlo founded the Holy Rosary Parish in 1913 with only forty parishioners (out of the three thousand Catholics of Italian birth scattered throughout the greater Washington, DC area). De Carlo remained pastor of the parish until his retirement at the age of 81 in 1960. The collection contains a nearly complete set of weekly parish announcements and monthly contribution lists with names of donors and amounts donated. There is a significant amount of bookkeeping records, including bills, receipts, fundraising ledgers, account books, and checkbook stubs. The collection also contains newspaper clippings, printed documents, correspondence photographs, books, pamphlets, artifacts, manuscripts of sermons mostly likely written by de Carlo.
Series I: Parish Announcements and Monthly Contribution Lists
Series II: Financial Records
Series III: Files Relating to Holy Rosary Church and Reverend de Carlo
Click here to view the entire finding aid for the Nicolas de Carlo Papers (CMS 010)