National Conference of the Apostleship of the Sea Records (CMS 032A)
July 14, 2016
These records are an addenda to CMS 032 of materials related to the National Conference of the Apostleship of the Sea from 1952-1990. The US branch was the National Conference of the Apostleship of the Sea, the official organization governing the Catholic Maritime Clubs, was formed on January 8, 1947 in Brooklyn, NY, under the sponsorship of the War Relief Services-NCWC. The National Office develops training programs for newly appointed chaplains and expands the ongoing programs for experienced chaplains.
The records include reports, correspondence from clubs and others, bulletins, issues of the Catholic Maritime News and other publications, by-laws and constitutions, conference and meeting materials, prayer materials, annual reports, meeting minutes, directories, and other materials related to the Pontifical Commission on Migration and Tourism, Superior Council of Apostolatus Maris, and International Congresses and Conferences of the Apostleship of the Sea. The collection also contains materials on Peter Anson and Arthur Gannon, who were pioneers in the development of the Catholic Movement for Seamen.
Series A: US National Apostleship of the Sea Conference
Subseries I: Draft of Constitution for the Apostleship of the Sea
Subseries II: Correspondence
Subseries III: Leges (Laws), Norms, and Faculties
Subseries IV: Apostleship of the Sea Directory of Chaplains, Ports, and Dioceses
Subseries V: Reports and Questionnaires on Maritime Clubs and Ports, as requested by the Episcopal Promoter and Annual Reports of the Apostle Ship of the Sea
Subseries VI: Apostleship of the Sea Conferences and Meetings
Subseries VII: Articles, Addresses, Bulletins, and Reports
Subseries VIII: Material on Stella Maris Mass and Prayer Books
Subseries IX: Miscellaneous Material
Subseries X: Catholic Maritime News
Subseries XI: Financial Record
Series B: US Apostleship of the Sea Conference with the Pontifical Commission on Migration and Tourism and International Congresses and Conferences of the Apostleship of the Sea
Subseries I: Report on visit to the United States and Canada by Reverend Monsignor F.S. Frayne in 1966
Subseries II: Correspondence
Subseries III: Material on Superior Council of Apostolatus Maris and the Pontifical Commission for Migration and Tourism
Subseries IV: Bulletins, Circulars, Apostolatus Maris, On the Move-Migrazioni e Turismo, and other publications
Subseries V: International Congresses
Series C: Peter Anson and Arthur Gannon