Call for Papers: Special Issue in Honor of IMR's 60th Anniversary
July 19, 2023

Call for Papers
Special Issue in Honor of the 60th Anniversary of International Migration Review
Evolving Models of International Migration Research
For six decades, International Migration Review (IMR) has been internationally regarded as the principal journal in the field facilitating the study of human migration, ethnic group relations, and refugee movements. Through an interdisciplinary approach and from an international perspective, IMR provides the single most comprehensive forum devoted exclusively to analyzing and reviewing international human population movements. The journal publishes manuscripts that speak to issues of relevance across the social sciences and to wider policy and societal debates concerning international migration, as well as manuscripts that push existing understandings of international migration in new methodological, empirical, and conceptual directions.
On the occasion of the journal’s 60th anniversary, International Migration Review (IMR) invites scholars and researchers to contribute to a special issue on the multifaceted topic of international migration. The special issue seeks to provide a benchmark in international migration studies by examining extant, evolving, and emerging models of international migration research. We invite contributions that self-reflect on the state of migration research and our contributions, both realized and aspirational, as researchers, scholars, and practitioners. Papers should not only review, critique, and synthesize the existing research, but also reflect on if, how, and to what extent that research has engaged with audiences and communities across disciplines and among scholarly and geographic spaces.
To illustrate: How successful has international migration research been at communicating and sharing knowledge and evidence with diverse groups of stakeholders, including policymakers, advocates, international and non-governmental organizations, the public, and migrants themselves? To what extent and how fruitfully has migration research integrated the field’s multidisciplinary nature? How have models and methods of doing research—new and mixed methodologies, interdisciplinary teams, community-based participatory research, international collaborations, using organic/”big” data and administrative data, and more—changed over time and, more importantly, what has the benefit been for migration theory-building and knowledge? What impacts has the field had on evidence-based policy and public opinion? What has the field of international migration studies accomplished, and what new analytic goals might be pursued?
To ground the questions above, we seek empirical, theoretical, and methodological papers that review, synthesize, and critically examine significant issues in international migration with a self-reflective approach. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- social, demographic, cultural, economic, political, and environmental impacts of international migration on individuals, families, communities, and societies in places of origin and destination.
- irregular migration and the changing landscapes of nationality and citizenship, particularly the erosion of human rights and civil rights for those who are not recognized by a state, such as trafficked and stateless persons, asylum seekers, and undocumented migrants.
- recent surges in refugee and asylee populations globally, and complementary pathways in protection, humanitarian assistance, and resettlement.
- international migration and public health crises, such as COVID, including epidemiological shifts, policy responses, and planning.
- impacts of climate change and environmental shifts on international migration patterns and on migrants’ health and well-being, and policy responses for climate migration.
- new understandings of transnational migrant links and networks and their importance in politics, religion, culture, family and community relationships, and the economy and remittances.
- policy responses, legal issues, and migration governance, especially the changing role of the state and new responses in regional and global migration management and policies, as well as innovations in models and modes of immigrant integration, and public opinion and attitudes.
Procedure and Timeline
Extended abstracts of 1,250 words (~5 pages, double-spaced) due September 30, 2023. Authors must submit abstracts directly to the editor, Holly Reed.
Invitations to submit full papers will be issued by November 1, 2023.
Full papers will be due by February 1, 2024.
The special issue will be published in Fall/Winter 2024. Authors of some papers will be invited to present their work at the annual Academic and Policy Symposium hosted by the Center for Migration Studies of New York in November 2024.
Authors must submit full papers directly to International Migration Review and follow the journal’s submission guidelines and standard peer-review process.
Guest editors: Ellen Percy Kraly, Colgate University (emerita), and Cecilia Menjívar, University of California, Los Angeles
For more information, and to submit an extended abstract, please contact the Editor-In-Chief: Holly E. Reed, [email protected].