2022 Catholic Immigrant Integration Initiative Conference Materials
September 13, 2022 08:00 AM (CST)
September 14, 2022 06:00 PM (CST)
For those that are participating virtually, please join us using the Zoom links below. There are two links for each day of the conference. Please be sure to join each day with the correct link. Should you have any questions, please reach out to Daniel at [email protected] or Julie at [email protected].
Use the following link to join on September 13th:
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Meeting ID: 895 0736 6317
Passcode: 335435
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcWhjYn4MR
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+1 719 359 4580 US
Meeting ID: 861 1652 3059
Passcode: 637910
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/krSLJvflZ
Plenary I: Racism in US Immigration Policy and Practice: A Catholic Response
- Bishop Mark J. Seitz: https://cmsny.org/2022-ciii-statement-by-bishop-mark-seitz/
Breakout Session I Workshop I: Encounter and Exclusion at US borders and Beyond
- Karen Vanessa Pérez Martínez: https://cmsny.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Presentacion-Contexto-JRS-Tap.pptx
- Alex Vernon: https://cmsny.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/CMSNY-STCA-PRESENTATION.pptx
Breakout Session I Workshop II: Faith and immigrant integration in the Midwest
- Christine Neumann-Ortiz: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1G1v1CnBUEYkV0UeCBJ4Sy7ITjOYl9j_CyKBRphnQNHg/edit#slide=id.g1583c191a6d_0_5
Plenary II: Laudato Si and Migration: Towards Integral Ecology and the Future of Work, Health Care, and the Social Safety Net
- Msgr. Robert Vitillo: https://cmsny.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/CMS_conference_Panel_Laudato_Si_and_Migration_Vitillo_13sept2022.pptx
- Christy Williams: https://cmsny.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Updated_Catholic-Charities-USA-Presentation-CIII-Conference-8.29.2022.pdf
Breakout Session III Workshop I: Understanding the Needs of and Best Practices for Serving Immigrant Students
Plenary III: Building a Whole-of-Church response to Multiple Displacement Crises
- Alberto Ares, SJ: https://cmsny.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/ARES_Catholic-Response-for-UKRAINE.pdf
Fr. Lydio Tomasi Lecture
Additional Literature:
Plenary I: Racism in US Immigration Policy and Practice: A Catholic Response
- Being Black and Immigrant in America by Joan Neal
- US Catholic Institutions and Immigrant Integration: Will the Church Rise to the Challenge? By Donald Kerwin and Breana George
- Catholics Against Racism in Immigration (CARI), NETWORK Lobby and Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC)
- NGO Shadow Report on anti-Black US Immigration Practices Submitted to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Human Rights First
- United Nations statement of day of people of African descent
Plenary II: Laudato Si and Migration: Towards Integral Ecology and the Future of Work, Health Care, and the Social Safety Net
- Towards a Better World: Migrants and Refugees in the World of Work, International Catholic Migration Commission
Fr. Lydio Tomasi Lecture
- Crossing A Divide: Foundations of a Theology of Migrants and Refugees by Daniel G. Groody C.S.C.
- Cup of Suffering, Chalice of Salvation: Refugees, Lampedusa, and the Eucharist by Daniel G. Groody C.S.C.
Breakout Session III Workshop II: How have Catholic immigrant-serving institutions adjusted to and what have they learned from the COVID-19 crisis?
- Social Determinants of Immigrants’ Health in New York City: A Study of Six Neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens by Jacquelyn Pavilon and Vicky Virgin
- The CRISIS Survey: The Catholic Church’s Work with Immigrants in the United States in a Period of Crisis Donald Kerwin and Daniela Alulema
- Building Resilient Migration Systems in the Mediterranean Region : Lessons from COVID-19 by Mauro Testaverde and Jacquelyn Pavilon