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Report and Event on Statelessness in the United States
January 23, 2020 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM
The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) hosted a presentation on its report on statelessness in the United States.
In October 2017, CMS initiated a study to map the stateless population in the United States; that is persons living in the United States who do not have nationality in any country. It ultimately produced a report – using a unique methodology – that provides estimates and profiles of US residents who are potentially stateless or potentially at risk of statelessness.
In conjunction with the release of its report, CMS shared and discussed its findings with experts, practitioners and advocates for stateless persons.
Speakers included:
- Danah Abdulaziz, Founding Member, United Stateless
- David Baluarte, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Washington and Lee University School of Law
- Laura Bingham, Senior Managing Legal Officer for Equality and Inclusion, Open Society Justice Initiative
- Karina Clough, Founding Member, United Stateless
- Lindsay Jenkins, Protection Officer, UNHCR Regional Office for the USA and the Caribbean
And the authors of the new CMS report:
- Donald Kerwin, Executive Director, Center for Migration Studies
- Daniela Alulema, Director of Programs, Center for Migration Studies
- Mike Nicholson, Researcher, Center for Migration Studies
- Robert Warren, Senior Visiting Fellow, Center for Migration Studies