Call for Book Reviewers and Book Review Essays
February 24, 2022
IMR 2022 Call for reviewers
International Migration Review (IMR) is looking for motivated book reviewers! If you would like be added to our database, please fill in this short survey by March 15th, 2022.
IMR 2022 Call for book review essays
In 2022, IMR will start publishing book review essays. These essays discuss two to five books on a common theme – whether from different disciplines, methodological approaches, or geographical regions. These review essays are designed to give the reviewer ample room for analytical and comparative reflections and are a vital element for synthesizing new trends and insights in migration studies.
In addition to commissioning such review essays, IMR invites submissions of book review essays, particularly by early career or Global South scholars.
The deadline for submitting the review essays is July 30, 2022. Only essays received by that date will be considered for publication.
Please carefully read the instructions for reviewers before submitting. Books included in the review essay should have been published in the past 2-3 years (i.e. 2020-2022). The review itself may not be longer than 2500 words (including references).
All submissions will be assessed by IMR’s book review editor and two other members of IMR’s editorial board based on the following criteria: (i) fit between books selected and IMR’s aims and scope, (ii) fit among and innovativeness of books selected, (iii) quality of comparative discussion, and (iv) clarity of argumentation. Those review essays selected will be invited to submit a revised version before acceptance.
IMR Directions to Authors – Review essays
1. Please submit the final version of your review essay as a Word document to Katharina Natter ([email protected]). Your review should be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, and in 12-point font.
2. Begin your review essay in the following manner:
Author last name, Author first name. Year of publication. Book title. Place of publication: Publisher. Number of pages. Cost of book.
Repeat this for each book included in your review essay.
3. Please end your review in the following manner:
Your name. Your department. Your affiliation or university.
Book reviews can be co-authored (maximum two scholars).
4. Books included in the review essay should be carefully selected to match IMR’s aims and scope, as well as to match one another. Also, they should be recent publications (i.e., published in their first edition over the past 2-3 years (2020-2022)).
5. Your review should be maximum 2500 words long (including references). It should briefly discuss the main arguments of the books in a comparative fashion and provide insights about their place in the existing literatures on international migration. In particular, I encourage you to address the following questions in your review:
- What issue(s) do these books tackle collectively?
- In which way are the books’ contributions complementary or contradictory?
- How do the books advance some aspect of migration studies?
- What are promising avenues for further research?
- What kind of impact can, will, or should this book have within academic research, teaching, policy debates, and/or advocacy efforts vis-à-vis international migration?
6. Please try to avoid long direct quotations from the books you are reviewing. If you do quote from the books, place the quoted text in double quotations and include the page number at the end (i.e., p. 456).
7. If you do cite outside texts, please be sure to include a full reference to those texts at the end of your review.
8. When submitting the book review, you can nominate one of the reviewed books for the annual IMR book review award. To nominate a book reviewed by you, please send a one-sentence endorsement of the book when submitting the review by email.
9. If you have any other questions, please contact IMR’s book review editor Katharina Natter ([email protected]).