CMS Migration Update: 2018
CMS Migration Update is a weekly digest of news, faith reflections, and analysis of international migration and refugee protection. It also provides migration policy and research updates, with the Policy Update section available in Spanish. The CMS Migration Update is designed to educate faith leaders regarding vulnerable immigrant populations, developments in the immigration field, pastoral resources and the religious touchstones of diverse faith traditions on migrants and newcomers. It should not be relied upon to provide advice or counsel in immigration cases. The publication is provided by the Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS), an educational institute/think-tank devoted to the study of international migration, to the promotion of understanding between immigrants and receiving communities, and to public policies that safeguard the dignity and rights of migrants, refugees and newcomers. CMS is a member of the Scalabrini International Migration Network, an international network of shelters, welcoming centers, and other ministries for migrants.
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Editorial Office
December 18, 2018
- UN Members Back Controversial Migration Pact
- When It Comes to Migration, Vatican’s as Progressive as They Come
- General Debate of the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Migration
- First Dialogue: Promoting Action on the Commitments of the GCM
- Second Dialogue at the GCM in Marrakech on Partnerships and Innovative Initiatives for the Way Forward
- High-Level Event to Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Why Canada’s Right Lied About the UN Migration Compact
- Morocco’s Migrants Treatment Under Spotlight After UN Conference
December 11, 2018
- Traveling Souls
- Making President Trump’s Bed: A Housekeeper without Papers
- What’s to Fear in the UN Global Compact for Migration? (Op Ed)
- Knights of Malta Chief: Migrant Deaths Represent ‘Greatest Mass Grave Since WW2’
- Immigration Minister Hails UN Pact as ‘Important Milestone’ in Global Migration
- Cardinal Tagle Brings ‘Message of Hope’ to Rohingya Refugees
- New Italian Law Adds to Unofficial Clampdown on Aid to Asylum Seekers
- Policy Update (December 5-11, 2018)
December 4, 2018
- Father James Martin: Stop the Assault on Asylum Seekers
- Exclusive: Homeland Security Chief Issues Unusual Plea for Help Against ‘Caravans’
- US to Cut Troops Along Mexico Border but Extend Deployment
- Dems Won’t Pick Shutdown Fight Over Dreamers
- Restrictive Immigration Law and Birth Outcomes of Immigrant Women
- Romero House: A Place to Call Home for Refugees in Toronto
- Policy Update (November 25-December 4, 2018)
November 27, 2018
- Rethinking Labour: Ethical Reflections on the Future of Work
- A Tribute to Juan Osuna
- Trump Lashes Out at Judge after Order to Allow Illegal Border Crossers to Seek Asylum
- Why Big Law is Taking on Trump over Immigration
- As Immigrant Farmworkers Become More Scarce, Robots Replace Humans
- There Are Alternatives
- Why Undocumented Migrants Should be Given a Legal Right to Stay (Opinion)
- Building a New Life in Ottawa
- Libya Uses Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets to Force Migrants off Ship
- Enough is Enough. End the War in Yemen. (Opinion)
- Policy Update (November 15-27, 2018)
November 14, 2018
- Practical Solutions to Eradicate Human Trafficking
- Hundreds of Migrants Leave Mexico City Headed for Border
- Presidential Proclamation Addressing Mass Migration through the Southern Border of the United States
- Procedural Guidance for Implementing Regulatory Changes Created by Interim Final Rule, Aliens Subject to a Bar on Entry under Certain Presidential Proclamations; Procedures for Protection Claims
- ‘Great Moral Failure’: Civil Rights Groups Sue Trump over Asylum Claim Curb
- ‘Dreamers’ Win Round in Legal Battle to Keep DACA
- Civil Society Can Help Combat Statelessness in the United States
- FGM Rates in East Africa Drop from 71% to 8% in 20 Years, Study Shows
- Canada’s Advantage over the United States? Immigration, Says Justin Trudeau
- Policy Update (November 6-14, 2018)
November 6, 2018
- The Immigrant Caravan is a Wave of Hope for America
- “Don’t Neglect to Show Hospitality to Strangers”
- Rocks v. Glocks: Trump Backs Off Suggestion that Soldiers Fire on Migrants
- Flee or Hide: Haitian Immigrants Face Difficult Decisions under Trump
- In Rohingya Camps, Traditional Healers Fill a Gap in Helping Refugees Overcome Trauma
- Caritas Critical of Austrian Decision not to Join UN Migration Pack
- New Impaired Driving and Marijuana-related Penalties Could Affect Immigration Status for Permanent and Temporary Residents
- Policy Update (October 31, 2018 – November 6, 2018)
October 30, 2018
- Careless Cruelty
- Dispatches from Tijuana: US Immigration Policy Through the Lives of Deportees
- NCR Podcast: Catholic Social Teaching as a Lens for Immigration Issues
- Immigrant Advocates Say Proposed Benefits Rule is a ‘Wealth Test’
- Government Seeks to Survey Church Property for Border Wall
- On the Desperate and Uncertain Trail of the Migrant Caravan
- Trump Considering Plan to Ban Entry of Migrants at Southern Border, Deny Asylum
- A Small Army of Humanitarian Workers Helps Migrants on the Treacherous Road to the United States
- Caravan Hysteria is Unwarranted — Many More Have Come Before (Opinion)
- Trump’s Grotesque Distortions of the Migrant Caravan and the Reality at the Border (Opinion)
- Canadians at Forefront of Global Study Seeking Solutions to Refugee Crisis
- WEBINAR: Introducing the Annual Survey of Refugees Public Use Dataset
- Policy Update (October 24-30, 2018)
October 23, 2018
- Scalabrini Shelter in Guatemala Swamped by Hondurans Seeking Safety
- “Migrants Are Not Criminals” Says Jesuit Network Responding to Caravan
- Why the Trump White House Is Having a Meltdown over the Migrant Caravan
- This Is America
- Sanctuary Ministry That Has Aided Thousands of Immigrants Needs New Home
- Still Dodging the Truth on Migrant Children
- Canadian Deported Despite Having Served for US Military
- The Vulnerability Contest
- Physical Fences and Digital Divides. A Global Detention Project Investigation into the Role of Social Media in the Context of Migration Control. Part II: “Why Would You Go?”
- Call for Papers: 16th Annual Conference in Citizenship Studies: “Technology and Citizenship”
- Request for Proposals: Short-Term Contracts For Research, Scoping And Analytical Support
- Policy Update (October 17-23, 2018)
October 16, 2018
- Young Jesuit Grad at the Synod: Justice for Migrants is Personal
- Federal Judge, Citing Trump Racial Bias, Says Administration Can’t Strip Legal Status from 300,000 Haitians, Salvadorans and Others — For Now
- A Study Says the Undocumented Population May Be Twice as Big as We Thought. Be Skeptical.
- The US is Checking Immigrant Kids’ Teeth to See if they Actually Belong in Adult Detention
- Here’s Why Every Child at the Border Belongs to All of Us
- The Cruelty Is the Point
- Here’s What’s New in the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement
- Refugees’ Lives in Danger with MSF Forced to End Mental Health Activities
- Policy Update (October 3-16, 2018)
October 2, 2018
- Bishops at National Hispanic Gathering Show Support for Immigrants
- Statement in Response to Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Immigrants and Public Benefits
- Building Bridges: Immigrants, Refugees, and the Church
- Campaign for Hospitality: Two Feet of Love in Action at the Border
- Hundreds of Migrant Children Quietly Moved to a Tent Camp on the Texas Border
- Italy’s Populist Regime Defies Pope Francis Anew Over Migration
- What If an Algorithm Decided Whether You Could Stay In Canada Or Not?
- Immigration Detention in Egypt: Military Tribunals, Human Rights Abuses, Abysmal Conditions, and EU Partner
- Unprepared and Overwhelmed: Greece’s Resurgent River Border with Turkey
- South Sudan: Trauma-Stricken Refugees Continued to Need Aid
- Fleeing Worsening War, Afghans Find Narrowing Options in Turkey
- Policy Update (September 25, 2018 – October 2, 2018)
September 26, 2018
- DHS Announces New Proposed Immigration Rule to Enforce Long-Standing Law that Promotes Self-Sufficiency and Protects American Taxpayers
- Trump is Proposing a Regulation That Could Change the Face of Legal Immigration — By Restricting Low-Income Immigrants
- Trump to Cap Refugees Allowed Into US at 30,000, a Record Low
- Why Did Mike Pompeo Slash The Number Of Refugees Allowed In The United States?
- Border Wall Imposed and Extended in El Paso’s Historic Chihuahuita Neighborhood
- Latin America Is the Murder Capital of the World
- Global Faith Leaders Urge Action Over ‘Ignored Millions’ Displaced by Conflict
- Girl Wins Refugee Status, But Her Family Could Still Be Deported
- Francis Praises Lithuanians for Welcoming Migrants, Practicing Tolerance
- LGBT Refugees Say They Face Hostility, Violence in Kenyan Camp
- Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar
- Policy Update (September 20-26, 2018)
September 19, 2018
- Catholic Advocates Decry Proposed New Rule for Detaining Immigrant Children
- US Slashes the Number of Refugees It Will Allow into the Country
- Our Policies on Immigration Should be Forward-thinking (Opinion)
- Trump Doesn’t Need a Wall — He Has Jeff Sessions (Opinion)
- Pope Encourages Charities Working in Iraq, Syria, Neighboring Countries
- Workshop Seeks To Help English Catholics Welcome Immigrants
- US Official: Canadian Marijuana Users, Workers and Investors Risk Lifetime Border Ban
- As the World Abandons Refugees, UNHCR’s Constraints Are Exposed
- Major Increase in Yemeni Refugees to South Korea Sparks Organised Anti-asylum Movement
- Policy Update (September 12-19, 2018)
September 11, 2018
- Advocates Prepare for Possible Cuts in Refugee Admissions to the US
- Immigrant Workers Play Key Roles in Local Economies and Merit Investment
- Trump Administration Moves to End Limits on Detaining Migrant Children
- ‘It Feels like a Dream:’ Syrian Refugee Family in Tearful Reunion at Pearson
- Myanmar: International Criminal Court May Deal with Deportation Crisis
- The Tebu: The Little-known Community at the Heart of Libya’s People Smuggling Trade
- Announcements
- Policy Update (September 5-11, 2018)
September 4, 2018
- The Church Should Rid Its Supply Chains of Links to Modern Slavery, Says Former Vatican Ambassador
- US is Denying Passports to Americans along the Border, Throwing their Citizenship into Question
- Inside Stephen Miller’s Hostile Takeover of Immigration Policy
- An Immigration Raid on a Rural Texas Assembly Plant was ICE’s Largest at a Worksite in 10 Years
- Let’s Enforce Labor, Immigration Laws to Put Working People First
- Thousands of Vietnamese, Including Offspring of US Troops, Could be Deported under Trump Policy
- 2.3 Million Venezuelans Now Live Abroad
- Announcement
- Policy Update (August 22-September 4, 2018)
August 21, 2018
- Stand In Solidarity with Refugees. Advocate for the 2019 Presidential Determination
- Araceli and Alicia: The Perils of a Dessert Crossing
- Ignatian Justice Summit Gathers College Students to Explore Immigration from a Jesuit Perspective
- Stephen Miller is An Immigration Hypocrite. I Know Because I’m His Uncle.
- Citizenship Service Conspired with ICE to ‘Trap’ Immigrants at Visa Interviews, ACLU Says
- How Refugees’ Trauma Became ‘Currency’ in Resettlement
- Returning from Libyan Detention, Young Gambians Try to Change the Migration Exodus Mindset
- Canadians Believe In Immigration but Concerned About Asylum Seekers: Study
- Policy Update (August 15-21, 2018)
August 14, 2018
- Cardinal Tobin: President Trump’s Executive Order Continues Children’s Trauma
- Bishop Stowe: Heed the Biblical Admonition to Love the Migrant as Yourself
- Trump Wants to Turn Back Time with Census Citizenship Question (Opinion)
- Is There Another Way to Address the Migration Crisis?
- Hopes Mount for Pope to Visit Morocco in December for UN Compact
- Church in Italy Protests Deaths of Exploited Migrant Workers
- At World’s Largest Refugee Camp, Trauma Victims Seek Healing in God
- What Will Happen to Saudi Students Enrolled in Canada?
- Policy Update (August 8-14, 2018)
- Research Update
August 7, 2018
- Birthright Citizenship is Essential to Our Ideal of Equality Before the Law
- ‘Miller is Not Deterred’: Top Immigration Aide Pushing Cuts in Refugee Numbers
- Vatican Lauded for Role in UN Deal on Migration
- Judge Upholds Order for Trump Administration to Restore DACA
- ‘Deleted’ Families: What Went Wrong with Trump’s Family-Separation Effort
- What We Have Learned 10 Years After Postville, the Largest Immigration Raid in US History
- A Solution to the US Border Crisis? Treat Detained Migrants as Refugees
- Canadian Immigration Detention
- Policy Update (August 1-7, 2018)
- Announcement: Important Border Immersion and Training Opportunity for Catholic Priests
July 31, 2018
- See America’s New Ellis Island: A South Texas Bus Terminal
- Seeking Refuge: As Resettlement Agency in Kansas Closes, Other Doors Open
- There’s No Place Like Home (Opinion)
- Hundreds of Migrant Children Remain in Custody, Though Most Separated Families Are Reunited at Court Deadline
- Inside the Largest Mass Displacement of Syria’s War
- July 30th: World Day Against Human Trafficking
- Canada: Cardinal Ouellet Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of His Priestly Ordination Homily in Solidarity with Migrants
- The United States Created the Conditions for Latin American Migrations (Commentary)
- Policy Update (July 25-31, 2018)
July 24, 2018
- Pope Calls on International Community to Help Migrants
- Chicago Clergy Join Catholic Extension at Border to See Migrants’ Plight
- In the Fight for Immigrants, Mahony Works Out of the Spotlight and His Successor Steps Up
- A Mother and Her Son Turned Up for a Domestic-violence Case. Then ICE Arrested Them.
- Immigrant Parents Face a Dilemma: Will Making an Asylum Claim Make It Harder to Reunite with Their Kids?
- Trump Ramps Up Scrutiny of Legal Immigrants
- We Need to Offer More Than Asylum (Opinion)
- Catholic Church in UAE to Host Fatherhood Celebration for Migrant Workers
- Seeking Refuge: Fitting in Without Losing Cultural Roots, Burmese Refugees Advance in Indiana
- New Canadians are Keeping Catholic Faith Alive, Poll Says
- Policy Update (July 19-24, 2018)
July 18, 2018
- A Church Put Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in ‘ICE Detention’ to Protest Trump’s Immigration Policies
- Trump Is Set to Separate More than 200,000 US-Born Children from Their Parents (Opinion)
- More US-Born Children Could Be Separated from Immigrant Parents
- The Trump Administration’s Family Values (Comment)
- Bishops Sought to Share Journey with Migrants, Not Join the Political Fray
- What Is Behind America’s Changing Views on Immigration?
- Abolishing ICE: Good Policy, Bad Politics (Opinion)
- UN Agrees on Migration Compact, But US is Conspicuously Absent
- Joint Civil Society Statement at the Conclusion of Negotiations on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration
- Ontario, Federal Government Battle Over Resettling Migrants
- Policy Update (July 4-18, 2018)
July 3, 2018
- US Catholic Bishops to Minister in Border Detention Centers
- AMERICA – Scalabrinians: Instead of Inhumane Migratory Policies, Look for Suitable Alternatives That Respect Dignity
- LA Archbishop on Immigration: God Calls Us to Speak Out against Injustice
- Catholics Mobilize at Border and Around US to Help Separated Families
- Human Trafficking Remains a Problem in US, Advocate Says
- Seeking Refuge: Jordan Takes in Masses of Syrians But Prefers They Don’t Stay
- ‘Needlessly Cruel:’ Halifax Protesters Rally Over US Immigration Policy
- EU Leaders Reach a Deal to Limit Migrant Travel
- Policy Update (June 27-July 3, 2018)
June 26, 2018
- Exclusive: Pope Criticizes Trump Administration Policy on Migrant Family Separation
- How America’s Refugee Policy is Damaging to the World and to Itself
- Trump Retreats on Separating Families, but Thousands May Remain Apart
- Trump’s Executive Order on Family Separation: What It Does And Doesn’t Do
- Frequently Asked Questions about Family Detention Executive Order
- Trump Calls for Depriving Immigrants Who Illegally Cross the Border of Due Process Rights
- The Science is Clear: Separating Families has Long-term Damaging Psychological and Health Consequences for Children, Families, and Communities
- Beyond Trump’s Separation of Migrant Families Lies a Real Border Crisis that is Proving Bigger Than the Presidency
- Supreme Court Upholds Travel Ban
- South Sudan: Bring Peace so Refugees can Return Home
- Does Canada Separate Migrant Families or Detain Children?
- Policy Update (June 20-26, 2018)
June 19, 2018
- An Unholy Separation Policy: Stop Pulling Families Apart Now, Says the Bishop of Brooklyn
- Sessions: Victims of Domestic, Gang Violence ‘Generally’ Won’t Qualify for Asylum
- Catholic Leaders Denounce Sessions’s Asylum Decision: ‘We Have Truly Lost Our Moral Compass.’
- Border Arrests Exceed 50,000 for Third Month in a Row
- Hundreds March to Texas Tent City Holding Detained Immigrant Kids
- The Immigration Forces Beyond Trump’s Control
- Separating Children From Their Parents Is a New Low for Our Immigration System
- The Government Has No Plan for Reuniting the Immigrant Families It Is Tearing Apart
- The House is Set to Debate 2 Sweeping Immigration Bills that Don’t Address Family Separation
- USCIS Uses Questionable ‘Overstay’ Report to Justify Policies
- Policy Update (June 6-19, 2018)
June 5, 2018
- Catholic Group Demands Congressional Investigation into TPS Decisions
- Frontera Facts by Hope Border Institute: Immigration Update (May 16)
- Farm Bill Revolt Could Fuel Dreamer Push
- Swept Up in the Sweep: The Impact of Gang Allegations on Immigrant New Yorkers
- McJustice in Courthouse Bearing Proud Name
- Has Migration Gone Too Far? (Video)
- Understanding the Algorithm Meant to Help Refugees Get Jobs Fast
- Syrian Refugees Struggle Financially but Happy in Canada: Advocates
- Policy Update (May 15-22, 2018)
May 29, 2018
- Animals
- US Lost Track of 1,500 Immigrant Children, but Says It’s Not ‘Legally Responsible’
- CLINIC Champion Award | Juan Osuna
- Traditional Disobedience: Renewing the Legacy of Catholic Activism
- Catholic Advocates Denounce US Plan to Prosecute All Illegal Border Crossings
- Border Patrol Continues to Exaggerate Danger to Agents to Justify Violence Against Immigrants
- Refugees As Employees: Good Retention, Strong Recruitment
- How One Organization Is Fighting Modern Slavery In The Philippines
- Amid Tensions, Refugees and Indigenous Canadians Seek Common Ground
- Policy Update (May 23, 2018 – June 5, 2018)
May 22, 2018
- Catholic Group Demands Congressional Investigation into TPS Decisions
- Frontera Facts by Hope Border Institute: Immigration Update (May 16)
- Farm Bill Revolt Could Fuel Dreamer Push
- Swept Up in the Sweep: The Impact of Gang Allegations on Immigrant New Yorkers
- McJustice in Courthouse Bearing Proud Name
- Has Migration Gone Too Far? (Video)
- Understanding the Algorithm Meant to Help Refugees Get Jobs Fast
- Syrian Refugees Struggle Financially but Happy in Canada: Advocates
- Policy Update (May 15-22, 2018)
May 15, 2018
- A New Bill Could Help Those Not Protected by DACA
- World Refugee Day 2018 Toolkit
- The Trump Administration Shoves Honduran Immigrants Back into Danger (Opinion)
- Venezuela: Bishop Conferences Respond to Pope’s Call to Help Migrants
- Exclusive: Niger Sends Sudanese Refugees Back to Libya
- Refugees in Tanzania on Edge Amid Changing Politics
- What is Canada Like for a Refugee?
- Policy Update (May 9-15, 2018)
May 8, 2018
- Sharing the Journey of Migrants and Refugees: An Interfaith Perspective on the Global Compacts
- Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen Announcement on Temporary Protected Status for Honduras
- Trump Administration Ends Protected Status for Thousands of Hondurans
- DHS Decision on Hondurans Fits Disturbing Pattern on Immigration
- The Truth Trump Doesn’t Want You to Know About the Caravan (Opinion)
- Is the GOP at Risk of Losing Catholics?
- In Immigration Court, a Ministry Team Accompanies Detainees
- Canadian Immigration Summit 2018: Strengthening Our Economy & Settlement Program
- Policy Update (May 2-8, 2018)
May 1, 2018
- Bishop Troubled by Acquittal of Border Agent Charged in Teen’s Death
- US Bishops Urge Support for USA Act to Protect Dreamers
- Trump Administration Will Terminate Temporary Status of Nepali Immigrants
- Terminating Temporary Protected Status: A Lose-Lose-Lose Situation
- Islamic Relief USA Invites Letters of Interest for Silver Anniversary Community Investment Projects (Grant Opportunity)
- Father of Loyola Medical Student is Deported
- The Story: Nicole’s Brother Boris
- Policy Update (April 25, 2018-May 1, 2018)
April 24, 2018
- On Refugees, the Trump Administration is Competent and Malevolent (Opinion)
- Trump’s Border Policies Cross the Line for Church Leaders, Advocates
- Catholics Question US Border Policy (Video)
- Catholic Social Innovation in Today’s Global Refugee Crisis
- Call for Applications Instituto Pastoral Migratoria
- Thousands of Immigrants Could Benefit from Supreme Court Ruling, Lawyers Say
- HOPE Welcomes Supreme Court decision in Sessions v. Dimaya, But Much More is Needed
- When Refugees Lead: A Conversation with Canada’s Refugee Minister
- ‘Triple crisis’ afflicting Venezuelan
- Policy Update (April 18-24, 2018)
April 17, 2018
- Francis’ New Exhortation a Call to Become Holy by Serving Others, Especially Migrants
- Holy See Disappointed by UN Inaction on Migrants
- Trump Immigration Initiatives Devastating
- The Church in America: Immigration Education & Incarceration (Video)
- Migration Aid Project Study Focuses on ‘Catholic Social Innovation’
- New Fact Sheets on the DHS Immigration-related Portions of President Trump’s Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Request
- No Sanctuary
- Canadian Church Ready to Help Rohingya Refugees
- Policy Update (April 11-17, 2018)
April 10, 2018
- Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete Et Exsultate of the Holy Father Francis on the Call to Holiness in Today’s World
- USCCB, Catholic Charities, and CLINIC Amicus Brief in Support of Respondents: Donald J. Trump, et al., v. State of Hawaii, et al.
- Mexican, American Bishops Outraged by Trump Border Threats
- Trump Missed His ‘Last, Best Chance’ for a Wall, So He’s Turning to the Troops
- Lulu’s Choice
- The ‘Caravan’ of Migrants is Not a Threat. But Trump Would Rather Ignore Real Crises.
- When Migrants Are Treated Like Slaves (Op Ed)
- Trump Has the Same Central American Migrant Problem as Obama
- Jeff Sessions Wants to Bribe Judges to Do His Bidding (Opinion)
- Commons Committee Recommends Better Settlement Services for Vulnerable Refugees
April 3, 2018 - Special Edition on Immigration Detention
- Immigration Detention: Recent Trends and Scholarship
- How the Supreme Court is Expanding the Immigration Detention System
- Trump Administration Ends Automatic Release from Immigration Detention for Pregnant Women
- Immigration Detainees Shouldn’t Be Coerced Into $1-a-Day Jobs
- Immigration Detention in the United States Denies Basic Human Freedoms
- ICE Lies: Public Deception, Private Profit
- ICE Detainees Describe Beatings, Other Abuses
- The Migrant Workers Convention: A Legal Tool to Safeguard Migrants Against Arbitrary Detention
- Immigration Detainee Ebrahim Toure Marks Five Years without Freedom: ‘What’s Going On with Me is Not Right’
- Detained African Migrants Stuck in Limbo in Wartime Yemen
- Large Migrant Detention Center to Close at Midnight Amid Deportation Plan
- For Refugees Detained in Libya, Waiting is Not an Option
March 27, 2018
- Congress Reaches a Deal to Fund Government for the Year Without Solution for Dreamers
- ‘Trump blew it’: The president missed his best chance yet to get funding for his border wall
- State of Our Immigrant City (2017 Annual Report)
- Nonprofits Scramble to Get Legal Aid to Immigrants
- We Are Not ‘Globalists.’ We’re Americans.
- ‘Chain Migration’ Used to Be a Benign Term. Not Anymore.
- Fact Sheet: Mexico Still Not Safe for Refugees and Migrants
- Policy Update (March 21-27, 2018)
March 20, 2018
- ICE Spokesman Resigns, Saying He Could No Longer Spread Falsehoods for Trump Administration
- ACLU Sues Trump Administration Over Separation of Families at the Border
- Trump Reviews Border-wall Prototypes in California Swing; Prefers ‘See-through’ Wall
- Response to SB4 Appeal Court Ruling
- Canada Opens Doors to Irish while Other Countries Close Theirs
- Myanmar Levels Former Rohingya Villages to Build Camp for Returnees
- As Colombia Tightens Its Border, More Venezuelan Migrants Brave Clandestine Routes
- #rethink…
- Religion is Key to Europe’s Identity Crisis Over Refugees
- Policy Update (March 14-20, 2018)
March 13, 2018
- Cardinal Parolin: Change of Attitude Toward Migrants Needed
- Church Network on Immigration Reveals Strong Contrasts by Country
- A Bishop Against Border Fences
- Sessions versus California: The Trump Administration Sues California Over Sanctuary Protections
- Spooked by Trump Proposals, Immigrants Abandon Public Nutrition Services
- A Family on the Verge of Being Torn Apart (Podcast)
- Lexington: A Lesson in American Greatness
- One Day International Symposium on Immigration, Migration, and Refugees in Europe and Canada: Social Challenges and Issues of Representation
- Policy Update (March 7-13, 2018)
March 6, 2018
- Supreme Court Throws Out Ruling That Said Detained Immigrants Deserve Bond Hearings
- Troubling Decision in Jennings v. Rodriguez
- Catholic Organizations Call on States to End the Detention of Migrant and Refugee Children
- Spurned by US and Facing Danger Back Home, Christians Fear the Worst
- The Americans Left Behind by Deportation (Op Ed)
- What Martin Scorsese Can Teach Us about Our Immigration Debate
- UN Official: Refugee Compact Will Meet Fear and Ignorance with Facts
- Canada Vastly Unprepared to Process Migrants and Refugees (Opinion)
- Identity and Belonging in a Card: How Tattered Rohingya IDs Trace a Trail toward Statelessness
- Policy Update (February 28, 2018 – March 7, 2018)
February 27, 2018
- If You’re a Patriot and a Christian, You Should Support the Dream Act
- Statement from the First Round of Negotiations on the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
- Justices Turn Down Trump’s Appeal in ‘Dreamers’ Case
- US Citizenship and Immigration Services Will Remove “Nation of Immigrants” from Mission Statement
- Melania Trump’s parents will soon be citizens. They can thank ‘chain migration.’
- How ICE Works to Strip Citizenship from Naturalized Americans (Audio)
- “Take Me Away” (Music Video)
- Lessons from Tanzania’s Historic Bid to Turn Refugees to Citizens
- Overwhelmed Refugee Tribunal Gives up on Regulated Timeframe for Asylum Hearings
- School for Syrians, France’s Indian Ocean border and British NGOs say sorry: The Cheat Sheet
- Policy Update (February 22-27, 2018)
February 21, 2018
- USCCB Calls on Catholics to Take Action for Dreamers
- Catholics Urged to Appeal to Lawmakers in Congress to Pass DACA Bill Now
- Trump Administration Assault on Bipartisan Immigration Plan Ensured Its Demise
- Commentary: Trump’s Immigration Plan Took a Well-Deserved Tumble. What’s Next?
- Right Now, ‘Merit-Based’ Just Means Fewer Immigrants
- Holy See Welcomes “Zero Draft” for Global Compact for Migration
- Policy Update (February 14-21, 2018)
February 13, 2018
- Pope Encourages Santa Marta Group in Fight against Human Trafficking
- Cardinal Says Rohingya Need International Help, Because Myanmar Doesn’t Want Them
- Statement: Informal Briefing On Negotiations For The Global Compact For Safe, Orderly And Regular Migration
- Exclusive: Trump Administration May Target Immigrants Who Use Food Aid, Other Benefits
- On the Border: Two Cities, Two Countries, Common Ground
- ‘Pillar of the community’ Deported from US After 39 Years to a Land He Barely Knows
- Burundian Refugees Increasingly Calling Ottawa Home
- Suffering Syrians, Trapped Venezuelans, and a Ugandan Refugee Swindle: The Cheat Sheet
- Policy Update (February 7-13, 2018)
February 6, 2018
- Save the Dreamers Before Tackling Immigration Reform
- Immigration Reform, the Administration’s Plan, and What the Political Moment Will Bear
- Dominican University Resolution to Be Sanctuary Campus
- Supporters Say Vilification of Immigrant Children, Families Must Stop
- US Department of Homeland Security Extends Designation of Syria for TPS
- ‘Chain Migration’ Has Become a Weaponized Phrase. Here are the Facts Behind It.
- Nearly 9,000 Teachers at Risk Over DACA
- International Student Numbers Decline
- Number of Migrant Caregivers Becoming Permanent Residents PLummets after Federal Changes
- Policy Update (January 31, 2018-February 6, 2018)
January 30, 2018
- Viewpoint: Trump’s El Salvador Decision Will hurt DC Businesses
- Five Hurdles to Getting an Immigration Deal
- Trump’s Unorthodox New Legal Strategy to Kill DACA
- Failure on DACA Will Stain US, Not Just the GOP (Commentary)
- They Spoke Out against Immigrants. So She Unearthed Their Own Immigrant Ancestors
- How An Army of Women Lawyers Formed to Protect Immigrants In the Trump Era
- These Twins Were Born 4 Minutes Apart. But Only One is a US Citizen
- Less than Half the People Deported from Canada Last Year Went Voluntarily
- Policy Update (January 24-30, 2018)
January 23, 2018
- Weisenburger and Kicanas: Time to Speak Up for Immigrants
- Commentary: Trump’s Bizarre Decision to Increase the Number of Undocumented Immigrants
- ‘Shithole’ Wasn’t the Most Offensive Part of Trump’s Haiti Comments
- Dems, Do Not Take the Bait on Family Immigration
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals: Response to January 2018 Preliminary Injunction
- Official Federal Register Notice of Termination of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haiti
- Official Federal Register Notice of Termination of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for El Salvador
- Supreme Court to Take Up Trump Travel Ban
- In Arresting an Immigrant-Rights Activist, ICE Shows Its New Power
- Sealing the Border: The Criminalization of Asylum Seekers in the Trump Era
- John Kasich and Jeb Bush Jr.: A Bad Idea on Immigration
- Know-Nothings for the 21st Century
- Analysis: Five Migration Trends to Watch in 2018
- Global Detention Project Submission Concerning the Global Compact for Safe Orderly and Regular Migration
- Migrants Fleeing to Canada Learn Even a Liberal Nation Has Limits
- Policy Update (January 11-23, 2018)
January 10, 2018
- Trump Orders 200,000 Salvadorans to Leave US
- Statement of Donald Kerwin, Executive Director of the Center for Migration Studies, on Termination of Temporary Protected Status for El Salvador
- But What About the Children? What Happens to the 192,000 US Citizen Children of Salvadoran TPS Parents?
- At Least 1,900 Immigrants Were Rejected Because of Mail Problems
- From Mexico to the US, a NAFTA Tale of Two Truckers
- Family Ties Drive US Immigration. Why Trump Wants to Break the ‘Chains.’
- Trump’s War on Immigration Caseworkers Needs to End
- Exclusive: State Department Tells Refugee Agencies to Downsize US Operations
- Application Period Open for University of San Francisco Master in Migration Studies
- A Former Refugee himself, a Newly Appointed Bishop Encourages Americans to Open Their Hearts to Migrants and Refugees
- Parents and Grandparents Program Reopening in New Year
- Policy Update (December 20, 2017 – January 10, 2018)