2018 Whole-of-Community Conference | Session V: Refugees, Dreamers, Unaccompanied Minors, and TPS Beneficiaries
December 6, 2018
In July 2018, scholars, researchers, community organizers, service providers, local officials, leaders of faith communities, immigrant advocates, and others gathered together for a three-day event on how diverse groups in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana are working together to meet the needs of immigrant communities. This event examined “whole of community” responses to welcoming, integrating, and protecting immigrants, lift up models and best practices, and provide opportunities for further community-focused collaborations. It also helped participants identify and bolster their legal support, research, and capacity needs in addressing these issues.
This video features Session V: Refugees, Dreamers, Unaccompanied Minors, and TPS Beneficiaries
Moderator: Camille R. Gill, Managing Attorney, Immigration Legal Services, Migration and Refugee Services, Catholic Charities Diocese of Cleveland
- José Cabrera, Immigration Program Organizer, Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center (IJPC)
- Leah Engle, Program Director, Maxwell Street Legal Clinic, Kentucky Equal Justice Center
- Allyson Ferry, Community Empowerment Specialist, Kentucky Office for Refugees, Catholic Charities of Louisville
- Jessica A. Ramos, Staff Attorney, Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. (ABLE)