International Migration and the Global Community: A Forum on the Report of the Global Commission on International Migration
Edited by Joseph Chamie and Mary G. Powers
International Migration and the Global Community is the outcome of a one-day forum held on October 26, 2005 to consider and discuss the recommendations of the Global Commission on International Migration and their implications. This publication includes the papers prepared for the forum by the eleven invited experts, who were asked to review the major aspects of the Report, with attention to its strengths and any weaknesses, if any. The experts included: Monica Boyd, David A. Coleman, Howard Duncan, Austin T. Fragomen, Jr., Mary M. Kritz, AgustĂn Escobar LatapĂ, Peter Lobo, Robert E. B. Lucas, Susan F. Martin, Demetrios G. Papademetriou, and Michael S. Teitelbaum. For reference, the final recommendations from the Report of the Global Commission are included in an appendix.