Refugee Law, US-Mexican Politics, and the Formation of Migrant Caravans
Review by Veronica Øverlid
Summer 2023

Veronica Øverlid from Carleton University, Canada reviews the following three books: Caravanas Migrantes y Desplazamientos Colectivos en la Frontera México-Estados Unidos [Migrant Caravans and Collective Displacement by the Mexico-US Border] by Camilo Contreras, María Dolores París Pombo, Laura Velasco (eds); El Asilo como Derecho en Disputa en México: La Raza y la Clase como Dispositivos de Exclusión [Asylum as a Disputed Right in Mexico: Race and Class as Exclusionary Devices] by Elisa Ortega Velázquez; and Caravanas: Sus Protagonistas ante las Políticas Migratorias [Caravans: Their Protagonists in the Face of Migration Policies] by Eduardo Torre Cantalapiedra. Øverlid states, “The three books explore the phenomenon of “migrant caravans” from different, yet complementary empirical and methodological perspectives. Torre as well as Contreras, París, and Velasco base their work on interviews with caravan members, while Ortega’s book offers a historical and theoretical account of refugee law in Mexico.”
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