What the US Can Learn From the UN on Migration and Development
October 11, 2013

On October 3-4, 2013, the United Nations General Assembly held the second High-level Dialogue on Migration and Development (HLD) during the first week of the United States federal government shutdown. The United Nations often faces harsh criticism for championing conventions, resolutions and declarations that many member states adopt with little intention or ability to follow. Yet when it comes to migration and development, statements of high principle have been undergirded by evidence and coupled with content and concrete achievements. CMS Executive Director Donald Kerwin discusses how UN dialogue offers two principal lessons for the United States in his latest piece for The Huffington Post.
To read the full article:
Donald M. Kerwin, “What the U.S. Can Learn from the U.N. on Migration and Development,” Huffington Post (Posted October 10, 2013).